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Multiple sclerosis Ireland: facts and information

MS Ireland is the national organisation providing information as well as support and advocacy for the 9,000 people living with Multiple Sclerosis and their families.

What is MS?

MS is in fact the most common chronic disabling disease of the Central Nervous System (CNS) affecting young adults in Ireland and is usually diagnosed between 20 and 40 years of age. The variance in presence, severity and duration of symptoms coupled with the intermittent and progressive nature of MS impacts not only the person with MS but also family. However, there is no known cause or cure for MS.

MS Ireland – the numbers

MS Ireland provides a wide range of specialised services and resources for instance on a national, regional and local level.

  • For example, there are 9,000 people living with MS in Ireland.
  • MS Information Line – 1320 contacts made in 2015 January – October 2015
  • Individual and family support from regional community workers – 2,148
  • Physiotherapy Classes – 498
  • Newly diagnosed seminar – 24

In fact, the MS Care Centre, Ireland’s only dedicated respite and therapy centre for people with Multiple Sclerosis

  • 12 people with MS, one week stay – 272 people with MS Jan-Oct 2015
  • Regional office and branch support
  • 10 regional offices

38 voluntary branches:

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